Am I Enough? When Will I Stop Comparing Myself?

2 min readAug 12, 2024


Photo by Christopher Ott on Unsplash

Whenever I open Instagram and see all these perfect lives, perfect bodies, perfect vacations.

Then I hop on LinkedIn and everyone’s got amazing jobs and awards.

It makes me feel… small. Like I’m not doing enough.

But lately, I’ve been thinking, What if I just… stopped?

Stopped trying to impress everyone else and just focused on what makes me happy?

What if instead of scrolling through feeds, I took a walk in the park? Or read a book just because I want to, not to post about it later?

Society keeps telling me that I need to achieve more, be more, and show more.

Maybe it’s about being okay with who I am right now, not who I think I should be.

I’m starting to realize that all those posts, all those likes — they don’t really mean anything. They don’t make me feel better for more than a few seconds.

So why do I care so much?

Every day, it’s like I’m chasing after something. A better job, more money, cooler stuff. But why? To impress people?

To feel important? Maybe true happiness isn’t out there. Maybe it’s inside me, waiting to be found.

What if I stopped running after things and just… breathed? What if I learned to be okay with who I am right now?

I think it’s time to look inside myself for happiness, not at my phone screen. It won’t be easy, but I think it’ll be worth it.

To find peace in just being me, not the me I think everyone wants to see. To wake up and feel good, not because I did something great, but because I’m alive.

To look in the mirror and smile, not because I look perfect, but because I see a friend.

Maybe, just maybe, true contentment comes from accepting myself, not from what others think of me.

