Are We Meant to Hold On or Let Go?

2 min readOct 12, 2024


In life, we meet people who become our whole world. You feel so connected like you can’t imagine life without them.

With them, there is comfort and confidence. With them, you think you know who you are as a person with them, you cry, laugh and make memories.

We all have those people, right?

Friends or, maybe, even more than friends.

People who mean the whole world to us?

and suddenly, you lose them, and I don’t mean losing them all of a sudden. Losing them because of something that happened quietly.

One day, you look up and realise that the people who meant everything to you aren’t there anymore.

And what makes it harder is that sometimes there’s no big reason for it. You didn’t have a fight. You didn’t have a closure. There wasn’t some big moment where things fell apart.

Maybe it’s because life pulls you in different directions — new jobs, cities, and people.

Maybe they found new friends. Maybe you did.

Or maybe you both just grew into different people.

But it’s tough to accept that things have changed without us realising it.

You just slowly grow apart, and by the time you notice, it feels like it’s too late to go back.

And sometimes, it’s no one’s fault. No one did anything wrong.

You didn’t leave them. They didn’t leave you. But something changed.

The bond you had just… disappeared.

It’s hard to accept, and it can feel really lonely. You might even feel a little lost.

But that’s life.

People come and go, even the ones you thought would stay forever.

And it’s okay to miss them. It’s okay to feel sad about it.

Maybe people are meant to be in your life for a season, not a lifetime.

They were there when you needed them or when they needed you, and maybe that’s enough.

Life goes on, and you keep growing and finding new connections.

That doesn’t mean forgetting the old ones.

You still think about your favourite people.

You still wish them well, even though you don’t talk anymore.

But now, You’ve found new people, too.

It’s different, new friends, new memories, but it’s good. It’s just a new chapter.

So, if you ever feel like people are slipping away from you, know you’re not alone.

It’s part of growing up, part of life. You’ll find your people again, and they’ll find theirs.

And even though it’s hard, you’ll learn to carry those old memories without holding on too tight.

I’ll leave you with this: love the people in your life while they’re there, but don’t be afraid to let them go when the time comes.

